Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All's fair ... no not really

All's fair in love and war right? Kinda. Except when the kids get caught in the crossfire and then it's a problem. So I am not claiming to be Mr. Never Blows His Stack and believe me it ain't easy dealing with the witch. But I did manage, with a lot of effort, to avoid  letting her push me over the edge and act in a way that would have upset my babies. It took everything in my power but I kept calm enough to walk away from a conflict even though it meant that she "won."

Instead of upsetting the offspring, I had a good time with them and I saw again how much my daughter loves me. And she didn't see an argument or disagreement between two people she loves. So I saved my baby some pain because the babies loves the witches and the a-holes because the witch to me and the a-hole to you go by the tittles "mom" and "dad." Ain't that a b---h?

But if we love our children, I guess we have to go through some stuff to protect the children. So the next time you want to"bless out" the ex in front of the children or within their earshot, think about the baby and walk away. You can always send the witch or the a-hole a private text! Hey I didn't say I was perfect!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Big, Have you ever heard of this song "when a woman's feed up" by R. Kelley? Sounds like your experience. Not to sound harsh or unpleasant, but if you just listen to the lyrics you will find more understanding. I am Just speaking from a womans perspective. You know it's always 2 sides to a story. While I sympathize with you and your pain, and the pain of divorce, I would also love to hear her side of the story. Maybe she is not over you, and you're not over her? What if she made a fast decision and is now having regrets? Because I have been there, and it's not a easy thing. It has been five years for me, and I have moved on.However, I have had questions pop up in my mind like " did I make a mistake? But, as time passed by I realized that he is not the man for me.. Had I realized that before, I married him , I would have saved myself a lot of heartaches and headaches, stress. It would have never worked, because he didn't change.
